The Defias Hideout had seen fewer newcomers throughout the day than it was used to, and that was clearly because of the bloody mess left just a few feet in front of the mine’s entrance. Someone was in a celebratory mood and eager to share the season’s spirit, from the look of the barren tree, now laced with bright décor.
Unfortunately, no one was as eager to admire the work that had been put into it.
The fleshy garlands had been dried out by now under the harsh sun, and already were attracting Fleshrippers overhead, giving the homeless and the vagrant even less reason to approach the mines. The three under the tree, nameless “gifters”, were seated, bound to the sun-bleached trunk. No one would miss the three--the Decorator had made sure of that, but an almost loving attention was spent in hanging their innards all over the barren branches in grosteque display.
And, ohh, at the top, did the bundle of hearts shine. How the Decorator would be displeased to see the carrion bird try to lift off with the bundle, tearing chunks out of the fleshy “star”. Yet, like many of her new neighbors, Anisse had become homeless, for even Jarel didn’t have the gold to keep from charging her for room and board at the Slaughtered Lamb. She most certainly wasn’t going to pay for a corner of burnt up commodities in the cellars, so home, at least for now, was deep in the mines, shared with numerous other unwanted.
Despite her lot in life, Anisse was in good spirits, even with the news that she might be replaced as a waitress. Perhaps later she could concentrate on life’s little irritations, but these offerings had meaning, and she was proud that the kills did not go wasted. What was more, was that she’d been gifted another heart! In the mail, no less! She eyed the basilisk heart inside of its jar and smiled dotingly upon it in the weak light of her corner. Dried out, but whole. Greatfather Winter worked in mysterious ways.
And of course, somewhere in the burnt surgeon’s bag was the other jar, housing the other gifted heart…the other that urged a response from her.
Anisse never imagined she’d grow so excited at the thought of someone appreciating her work, but she was, and she hoped with all of her being that her Winter’s Veil tree would be appreciated too.
If the birds didn’t “appreciate” it completely first.
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